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Building Mental Fitness

Building mental fitness is important as it helps you to become more resilient and bounce back from setbacks. Mental fitness can be built in a number of ways such as:

  1. Improving wellbeing

  2. Working on skills of mental fitness

  3. Mindfulness


Improving wellbeing

Mental wellbeing is just as important as physical wellbeing. Here are just a few general ways to improve or maintain good wellbeing:

Stay connected - as humans, we need to stay connected (introverted and extroverted alike) as feeling lonely can lead to a decline in mental fitness

Take up hobbies - hobbies keep you pre-occupied, give you something to focus on and let you gain new skills which, in turn, gives you more confidence

Physical activity - studies show that continuous physical activity improves physical wellbeing as it increases mental alertness, energy and mood

Stay calm - staying calm allows you not spiral and control your emotions

Be mindful of the information you intake - too much information or information from unreliable sources may lead you to spiral, don't overload on information by (for example) checking on the news every hour on the hour

Keep to a routine - routines require less mental energy, allow your mind to slip into a form of auto-pilot


Skills of mental fitness

These skills are things to work on to become more mentally fit e.g. learn to deal with stress or building more confidence. How you work on these things is a personal decision and may include some trial and error.



What is mindfulness?

Mindfulness is being aware, having focused attention and focus and is the state of being fully engaged in the present. People who are mindful may feel a closer mind-body connection as they are aware of the sensations they are experiencing and are not overwhelmed by their thoughts and feelings. People who are mindful are also more mentally fit.

Mind Full vs Mindful

Mind Full - Worrying about the past or future

Mindful - Living in the present

How to be more mindful?

Start meditating - Many studies suggest that meditation can produce more positive thoughts and emotions

Practice breathing exercises - Help you take breaks and calm down, to calm down when our bodies enter fight-or-flight mode we breathe deeply to get back to our normal state

Get out of auto-pilot - focusing on the senses from activities normally done on auto-pilot will allow you to feel more present

Exercise - the mind and body have a connection and doing some light exercise will help your mind focus and be more aware of your surroundings

Get out and see nature - this can be paired with the exercise tip as studies have revealed that going for a short walk a few times a week can improve emotional, physical and mental wellbeing


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