Now I have finished university for the year, I have unrestrained time which is fine when you are managing your time but for the past few days I haven't been and I can tell the difference. Recently, I've been looking at videos about "how to stop procrastinating" and here are the top tips I found across the board:
Kharma Medic - Be purposeful with your time
Be aware of how you are spending your time and tell yourself how long you are going to spend on a task, even if you are procrastinating!
The Bliss Bean - Break down your work into manageable chunks
Don't feel bad about making tasks tiny because it can help motivate you as ticking things off a to-do list feels good!
Ruby Granger - Make tasks non-negotiable
Give yourself no choice but to do the task you have set for yourself. Timetables will help you map out your time and you give yourself less of a choice.
Ali Abdaal - Understand your motivations
Motivation isn't something that you have within you naturally but something you create. "It is not the course of action but the result of action"
Studytee - Take breaks
It's important to let our brain take breaks and do the things we want to do. To stop our breaks taking over, set a time limit on these breaks and work them into your timetable.
Thanks for reading!